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San Saba Soap Company’s Pecan Oil cologne is a superbly scented, all natural cologne oil made with Texas Pecan oil. The leak proof roll-on oil is scented with seven fine distilled essential oils.

After years of research and testing in San Saba, Texas, pecan capital of the world, we have formulated the very first skin and hair care brand made from pure, cold pressed Pecan Oil. The Pecan, known for its rich fatty acids, boasts the highest in antioxidants of all tree nuts. We studied the chemical composition of this extraordinary oil and discovered a combination of fatty acids, lipids, ellagic acids and numerous other properties beneficial to skin health. Pecan oil is noncomedogenic meaning it doesn’t clog pores, and instead encourages proper oil production. Pecan oil is the highest in antioxidants and fatty acids which is essential for maintaining soft, youthful skin.

TOPO of San Saba™ is a proprietary brand consisting of cold pressed Pecan Oil.

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